I love some of the comments by the different firms: " when doves fly"

"Fed data shows 5 % wage growth,

Over to you team Rate Cut"

Paraphrasing, "being excessively

early is indistinguishable from

being WRONG "

Cracks me up !!!

What a pleasure to read...

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*Saw somewhere the difference in the public's Perceived Economic/Inflation conditions vs MSM hypnotic drug-hazed mantra of 'Everything's GREAT' is/was the removal of Auto Loans & Housing Expenditure from CPI. If reincluded CPLie goes from 3% to 8%; perception problem explained.

*Some NATO country(s) want to start WWIII. Islamic terrorists DON'T get captured...ALIVE anyways!

*ISIS/ISIS-K is a CIA/MI6 offspring/proxy. Don't be fooled people!

*When the head starts spinning, and the voices start taunting, and the walls start closing in, do as I did Friday afternoon and FLEE THE SCREEN. Was my plan anyways but then the Russian concert hit sent me mind spinning. The gym induced those positive brain chemicals I needed. Then follow your truest passion-mines Skiing, and answer the call. Take it from a young man on the ski lift Saturday who told me [I'm already familiar :( w/this lesson], if you don't pull yourself away from the rabbit hole, you may not climb out. Alive anyways. Remain Calm and Have Fun, amidst the madness, as my online friend Tom Luongo says.

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Jim Bianco joins Bloomberg to discuss the Bond Market, Inflation & Liquidity


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