Excellent Article !!!

Will be fascinating to watch the FI market's response...Deflationary or Inflationary ???

I believe GAZA, will be changed perhaps forever. It's not feasible to have Hamas living there, any longer.

A complete takeover of GAZA is coming...and I have to support that.

The Palestinians have proven that can't gov't themselves or be a good neighbor.

This was the last straw....times up....

The Palestinians need to find some where else to live.....maybe Iran ???

I won't go into how the Biden Admin has financially supported the terrorist families, that Trump cut off.

I won't go into how Biden has not enforced the Oil Sanctions against Iran...

But the Obama/Biden Policies have been very counterproductive to ME Peace and for the State

of Israel....

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Learning of Hamas's assault of a Musical Festival-Rave Party has me flashing back to the Full Metal Jacket depiction of the Tet offensive; and a young Mathew Modine looking very, very scared. I'd have been too had I been at that festival. I'd like to think I'd have remained calm and useful. I imagine that time is coming for us all.

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