
Commentary on United and American Airlines Options Activity on 9/11

by Jon Najarian

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Outstanding work !!!

I'm looking for a Hot CPI and to a lesser extent PPI.

El Nino probably Moderate to Strong, judging by the Record Breaking heat in Arizona.

Inflation has come down, but I think we may stalling out.

The Last Percent or so, will be difficult and take time....maybe the whole 2024, to get to 2-2,25%

Saw the Second Plane hit, as I was watching CNBC Pre-Market Open.

I was in my apartment in Rochester, NY.

Called my Dad.

Never will forget it !!!

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Worked with my dad — he happened to be out that morning — colonoscopy…I called him this afternoon as I was (gratefully) picking up my son (his grandson) from HS football practice and there was a rainbow hanging over the school … he had a different ‘oscopy’ today I told him he’s running outta things to get scoped and next year ought ya give it a rest…lucky to be able to make those calls … good ones and bad. Markets and life … others not so fortunate to lose a bunch of money betting on various ‘screaming buys’ … stay safe!

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I have a most strange memory at the end of that first 9-11 wk. It was 9pm West Coast time, believe I was watching NBC. NFL had been cancelled that first 9-11 wknd. The news was featuring field reporters talking to relatives, friends, husbands and wives, of missing persons from both towers. On Sunday evening, Sept 16th. I thought it was very inappropriate for media to mislead those suffering from 9-11 tragedy of missing friends & relatives. 5 days after the towers collapsed. I recognize there were no easy answers or actions during those early days post 9-11. Just seemed obnoxious to use peoples suffering in such a way. But most unsettling was at 9pm sharp West coast time, NBC switching the sorrowful 9-11 reporting to, "The Brady Bunch Movie". Talk about the poorest topic transition I've ever witnessed. I thought I was gonna go full Exorcist w/my head doing a full 360 rotation. Honestly, it's the only amusement during 9-11 I ever encountered. Indeed Never Forget. Especially that 22 yrs later, the war on terror's yet to end. In fact, in continues in Ukraine now. I can only hope that in some distant future, long after I'm gone, that Peace will indeed be Given a Chance.

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systemic and unfortunate all of it ... yea, i'm luck to only have a personal experience of being close in proximity, physically and am so grateful to have left downtown a few months earlier and moved to independent shop midtown ... became a repository for friends who made it OUT of towers who were walkin' uptown (home -- most then lived upper E or upper W side) ... i cleaned more than a couple / few up fed, gave some water and they continued on their journey ... never to forget that look -- never seen a trader in complete disarray (these guys all were always dressed to the 9s) and the smell ... covered head to toe like that zombie show popular on Showtime or whatever ... nuts. haunting ... all of it but thankful my partner - my dad - was OUT that day, safely getting his very first colonoscopy ... turns out he was in much better state than many of our friends who were lost or lost loved ones. entire country got a giant colonoscopy that day ... never forget and cheers to your shared vision and hope...i'll drink to THAT

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Thanks Steve, wow you're a hell of a guy. I listened to Howard Stern then (until Trump then he got too Woke) and I remember him talking about the smell. Yes seeing the suits w/briefcases fleeing the tower-pancaking dust cloud is an unforgettable sight. Yes we did get a full no lube rectal exam then and in many ways it continues. I have to hope we can all do a part to improve our fate, for ourselves, and our species. The clocks ticking....Damn you we're right there near the thick of it. I was watching but I really can't imagine being there. Too many horror stricken faces that day. We're all in your debt good sir.

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I take it you were in NYC on this fateful day 22 yrs ago?

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