Good morning / afternoon / evening - please choose whichever one which best describes when ever it may be that YOU are stumbling across this <UNSCHEDULED> note… … markets are closed tomorrow and I’ve got a couple / few things on MY mind so this note will NOT have much of the usual content / format.
Rafterman has passed? At least he attended Charlie's last bday party 🤣! Funny thing been thinking I need to watch Full Metal Jacket again. Seriously great post & 10 yr hx chart. The basketball bond analogies cause me to remember James Carville's quote that he'd like to be reincarnated as the bond market to better Rule the World. Spoken like a true psychopath. Thanks for the Bianco tip that'll provide good listening while driving to the ski resort today 👌
Rafterman has passed? At least he attended Charlie's last bday party 🤣! Funny thing been thinking I need to watch Full Metal Jacket again. Seriously great post & 10 yr hx chart. The basketball bond analogies cause me to remember James Carville's quote that he'd like to be reincarnated as the bond market to better Rule the World. Spoken like a true psychopath. Thanks for the Bianco tip that'll provide good listening while driving to the ski resort today 👌