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Q: What is the philosopher apprentice's favorite breakfast cereal? A: .spool sseltiurF

Moving on to matters of more consequence. No thing is NOTHING for that is not a thing. DNA bequeathed us with the Gift of Pain. Pain comes in seemingly infinite shades, but, they all ultimately short-circuit fruitless loops. Anyway, Got Milk?

As per usual I can't find anything I'm worthy of disputing in your posts. But I do take heart from the impression you are out-there, in the digital ether, struggling on my behalf. But that sounds selfish, so I rephrase, it is a comfort to think you are struggling on the behalf of all us subscribers. That's NOT NOTHING! Hark you say, what is this offhand flummery in prelude to? Just that I would make a trifling adjustment to, "I continue to struggle to come up with a different conclusion and so far, I have failed", so it reads, "I have succeed, in arriving at the same conclusion with no small struggle."

As for "marinate some ice cubes", everything in Moderation, including Moderation, but that goes without saying ... why is my head starting to hurt?

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