I'm NO FAN of Central Banks or their Bankers, yet having fine folks like DDB, Lacy, and Powell working within their bowels gives 1 a shred of hope to cling to. Powell the easy punching bag deserves a LOT of credit; for he's the 1st fed chief since Volker to try to do the right thing w/monetary policy (w/o instituting the Gold Standard of course!). And he's trying to dispose of some of the Malinvestments out there. However, I greatly fear the commies who Dark Brandon snuck onto the FOMC board w/his Dirty Pool tricks are lying in wait patiently, for their turn to run roughshod over Powell's hard work.
Jersey Politics...LOL !!!!
I'm NO FAN of Central Banks or their Bankers, yet having fine folks like DDB, Lacy, and Powell working within their bowels gives 1 a shred of hope to cling to. Powell the easy punching bag deserves a LOT of credit; for he's the 1st fed chief since Volker to try to do the right thing w/monetary policy (w/o instituting the Gold Standard of course!). And he's trying to dispose of some of the Malinvestments out there. However, I greatly fear the commies who Dark Brandon snuck onto the FOMC board w/his Dirty Pool tricks are lying in wait patiently, for their turn to run roughshod over Powell's hard work.