4pm. It's the new 3pm ...
I figured this was worth reposting as we mercifully put this day/week/month and QUARTER to rest …
Consider this your official wakeup call …
It’s OVER and now we wait for HIMCOs Q3 review (see post from July 14th for Q2 thoughts / LINK).
Now, I HOPE to get something of an update out over the weekend but there’s a football travel schedule and storm watch to contend with.
Thing 1 has a home game tomorrow afternoon and I’ll likely NOT be home in time for Thing 3s evening game. I’ll TRY but that likely means any weekly update will hopefully come sometime Sunday (tee times already been cancelled due to the storm) …
Here’s hoping Q4 is better for ALL of us — stock AND bond jockeys alike…For now, thank the BoE and lets be done with September.
From RBC circa 1/25/2021 (noted HERE the very next day), p1 of 6: